SQE1 FLK1 or FLK2 Course Packages

All-access course package for FLK1 or FLK2: a study plan, study textbooks, 15 mock tests, video lectures, digital flash cards, practice questions. No other material required

The packages are intended for those who have not been successful in passing either FLK1 or FLK2 or are exempt from FLK1 or FLK2. Our unrivalled experience combined with tried and tested high quality course content will give you what you need to pass FLK1 or FLK2 on your next attempt. Flexible payment plans available.

The courses that will help you pass your FLK1/FLK2 assessment

If you have not been successful in passing either FLK1 or FLK2, we can offer you a customised preparation course with access to all our resources for the exam.

Choosing QLTS will save you time, money and stress as we’ll prepare you to pass FLK1/FLK2 on your next attempt.

SQE1 FLK1 Advantage Course
SQE1 FLK2 Advantage Course
Subject-specific textbooksThe textbooks are provided in a hard copy format and delivered by a special courier
Multiple choice practice questionsEach question has five possible answers and a detailed solution, covering all the practice areas tested on assessment
Digital flash cardsThe flash cards cover the practice areas to help you reinforce your legal knowledge and understanding of the main legal principles
SQE1 Course HandbookThe manual explains the fundamentals of the SQE assessments, structure of the course , suggested study guide and test administration procedures, protocols and policies
Periodic updates for the course materialsEven if you are not sure when you will be taking the assessment, you can still start your preparation right away and get updates to the course materials on a regular basis
Summary notes with the main legal concepts and key areasOver 200 pages which cover the major legal principles
Access to the SQE Video LibraryOnline tutorials with professional presentations, spanning 20+ hours of lectures, available to watch on your computer, iPad, iPhone or Android devices
FLK mock tests (with 90 questions each)These are key to your success - test your progress and readiness by simulating real exams with intermingled questions and a time limit

Delivery of the SQE1 textbooks is free within the UK, £50 to Europe
and the US and £110 to all other destinations.

Trusted by thousands of candidates and the world`s top law firms who have used our QLTS preparation courses

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