Upgrade Your SQE1 Preparation Course Now to Get Access to Additional 20 Mock Tests!

An exclusive offer for QLTS School candidates – upgrade your SQE1 course now for only £390! 

How to take advantage of this opportunity

To upgrade your SQE1 course and get access to additional 20 mock tests (with 90 questions each, 10 for FLK1 and 10 for FLK2), click on ‘Upgrade Your SQE1 Course Now’ below and simply follow the steps until the successful completion of your order.

Note: You must be registered on QLTS School’s SQE1 Basic Course to be eligible for the upgrade. Candidates enrolled with other providers or those who have not taken a course should complete this application.

For many years, candidates have identified QLTS School’s mock tests as being the critical tool for helping them succeed on the QLTS assessment. As you will have seen, attempting mock tests is the best preparation method in the weeks and months building up to the date of the assessment.

Upgrading to the full suite of 30 mock tests gives you the chance to gradually build up your knowledge, skills, speed and confidence at answering questions from the SQE Assessment Specification within the time allowed on the assessment.

Each of the additional 20 mock tests can be attempted as many times as you like, and is available in two formats: feedback on completion, for the exam-true experience, or immediate feedback, to assess your performance as you complete each question.

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